5 Ways to Build Your Leadership Muscle and Grow

Leadership is empowering.  People who grow their leadership ability can employ the skills and talents of others to achieve their most important goals.  Napoleon Hill wrote about leadership as an essential skill for achieving success. 

We can work on five key traits within ourselves to grow our leadership muscle.

  • Humility.  Leaders don’t need to tell everyone how great they are.
  • Passion.  Please do not underestimate the power of being passionate about our endeavors. 
  • Integrity.  Deal honestly with yourself and those around you. 
  • Responsibility.  Great leaders assume responsibility for their results.
  • Vision.  The real key to leadership is vision.  Leaders must see where they want to go and build a compelling case for others to join them.

We grow our muscles in these areas with practice.  Here are five exercises to build these traits:

What type of practice produces each of these traits?

  • Humility – The next time someone pays you a compliment, share it with the person who helped you achieve that status.
  • Passion – Try something new you have always found fascinating.  Take that lesson, build that business, create that art, go on that adventure.
  • Integrity – Grow your integrity by admitting a past lapse and, if possible, correct the error.
  • Responsibility – Ask yourself where you are not taking 100% responsibility.  Commit to a 5% improvement in that area.
  • Vision – Write and share your mission statement.

Everyone benefits from being a solid leader.  Great leaders attract like-minded followers, and everyone achieves their goals with less effort and time.  Commit to growing our leadership muscle, and we can watch our business goals take shape.
