Attract Success: How to Surround Yourself with the People You Need to Succeed

Understanding Your Influence

I was hanging out with a client, probably on one of our spa weekends, to do her annual business plan when her cell phone rang at an odd hour. “Why do people call me at such weird times?” she questioned. “Probably because you advertise 24-hour availability!” I replied. And then we just cracked up. We are in control of who we attract to our businesses and our lives. Sometimes we don’t like to admit it.

Attracting the Right People

Are we attracting the people we want and need? Do we enjoy and benefit from the people in our lives, and do they bring out our best side, challenge us to improve, and support our dreams and goals? RADical success occurs when we actively surround ourselves with the people we desire.

Attracting the right people into our lives and businesses is essential to success. Whether we are looking for a new customer, business opportunity, team member, or friend, the people we surround ourselves with profoundly impact our growth and development. Developing a method has been shown far more effective than randomly stabbing at the marketplace, throwing darts at the resumes on Indeed, or approaching strangers on the street. Therefore, it is essential to have a method for attracting the ideal people into our lives and businesses. Here are some tips for attracting the right people.

Here is a process for attracting those we desire:

  1. Write it down. Write down what we want and who we are looking to attract. We need to take the time to answer a few questions to set our RAS to focus on finding those people. Who is our ideal customer? What qualities make the perfect team member? Who are the people with whom we want to associate and grow? The more detailed we are, the easier it is to find them.
  2. Advertise Your Needs. Once we have clarity on who we want to meet, we need to tell people about it. We can ensure everyone in our sphere of influence knows who we want to meet. The easiest way to do this is to tell them. Whether we are looking for a new client, business opportunity, team member, or friend, the more people we enlist in our search, the greater our chance of success.
  3. Show up and Engage. We need to find out where to interact with people who fit our description of the people we want to meet. We spend a lot of time with the people we regularly interact with, and relationships build from interactions. The best way to meet new people is to interact with new people. It can seem obvious, but it doesn’t happen unless we take action.
  4. Consult the mirror. Finally, we need to look at ourselves and our businesses and ensure we present ourselves and our business in a fashion that would attract those people. Relationships are two-way streets, and we need to walk our part to attract others. It is essential to evaluate our values, goals, and vision to ensure we project an image that aligns with the people we want to attract.

Building Your Tribe

Clarity is critical to finding the people we need in our tribe. Once we are clear on whom we want to meet, and our actions align with that, it’s easy to attract the right people for us. “Our people” are the big tribe of humans who contribute to our human experience and well-being. Our family, friends, business associates, networking partners, vendors, customers, peers, and much more support, enrich, and influence our lives. When we actively create a tribe aligned with our vision and goals, more happens with less effort, and our dreams come true.

However, attracting the right people into our lives is not always easy. It requires patience, persistence, and a positive mindset. We need to be willing to take risks, try new things, and step outside our comfort zone. We need to be open to new experiences and new people.

Moreover, it is important to understand that not everyone will fit into our tribe. We need to be willing to let go of the people who do not align with our values, vision, and goals. It can be challenging to let go of people, especially if we have a long history with them. However, it is necessary to surround ourselves with people who will support, challenge, and inspire us to be our best selves.

In addition to attracting the right people, being the right person is essential. We must continually work on ourselves, developing our skills, knowledge, and character. We need to be kind, empathetic, and supportive of others and be willing to listen, learn, and grow. We attract the right people into our lives by being the right person.

In conclusion, attracting the right people into our lives and businesses is essential for success. It requires clarity, persistence, patience, and a willingness to step outside our comfort zones. By being mindful of who we attract and ensuring we are the right person ourselves, we can build a supportive and enriching network that aids in our journey towards success.

Action Steps for Success: Crafting Your Ideal Network Feeling inspired to surround yourself with the right people? Let’s put this into action. Here’s a simple yet effective exercise from RAD Strategic Partners to get you started on building your dream network. Action Item: Identify Your Ideal Connections Reflect on Your Network: Think about your current network. Who are the people that energize you? Who are the ones that drain your energy?Write Down Your Ideal Traits: List the qualities of the ideal people you want to surround yourself with. Who are the types of individuals that will help you grow, challenge you, and support your dreams? Be as detailed as possible.Evaluate and Adjust: Compare your current network with the list of ideal traits you’ve written. Identify gaps and think about ways you can start attracting these ideal connections into your life.Create an Action Plan: Set a goal for the next month to actively seek out and engage with people who embody these traits. This could be through networking events, social media connections, or community gatherings. Why This Works As we emphasize at RAD Strategic Partners, proactively shaping your network is a crucial step toward RADical success. By intentionally seeking out and connecting with individuals who align with your values and aspirations, you’re not just expanding your network—you’re strategically positioning yourself for growth and success. Remember, the company you keep can have a profound impact on your journey, so choose wisely and take deliberate steps to cultivate a network that reflects your ambitions and values.