It takes a village. It does. The most successful people in the world, the ones winning the game of life and living lives full of joy and accomplishment, didn’t get there independently. They built a tribe of people who supported and helped them achieve their goals and dreams.

Building the tribe we need is crucial to personal and professional development. A tribe is a group of people with similar values, goals, and aspirations. It is a support system that provides feedback, encouragement, and growth opportunities. We form our tribe in many ways, such as through family, friends, colleagues, or mastermind groups.

Have we given any thought to our tribe lately? Do we have the tribe we need, and are we accepting their support and nurturing them in return? It is worth periodically considering our network, village, team, and tribe and taking a moment to build the tribe we need. 

How do we improve the process of building and nurturing our tribe? Here are some suggestions:

  1. Identify the type of tribe we need

The first step in building the tribe we need is to identify the type of tribe we need. Do we need a tribe to support our personal, business, or family growth? Once we have identified the kind of tribe we need, we can define the values, viewpoints, skills, and personalities that would make up our ideal tribe. Remember, we can and do operate within different tribes in different aspects of our lives.

  1. Seek out people who share our values and goals

To build the tribe we need, we need to seek out people who share our values and goals. Attend networking events, join online communities, and reach out to people in our industry. When we meet people who share our values and goals, take the initiative to connect with them and nurture the relationship. Build trust and rapport by sharing our vision and listening to their ideas. Whether it’s our team, family, or peer group, developing shared values and goals binds the tribe together.

  1. Establish clear expectations and protocols

Clear expectations and protocols are essential for creating a well-knit tribe. Set expectations for communication, behavior, and accountability and define the roles and responsibilities of each member of the tribe. Create protocols for decision-making, conflict resolution, and feedback. When everyone understands their role and expectations, it fosters a sense of responsibility and ownership. These protocols can be complex or simple, but the idea is people like us do things this way.

  1. Involve everyone in setting clear action plans

Our tribe needs to be aligned with our vision and goals to achieve them, and we need to involve everyone in setting clear action plans that support the common goal. Ensure each member understands their role and has the necessary resources to achieve their tasks. When everyone is involved in setting the action plan, it creates a sense of ownership and accountability. Tribes must have a purpose beyond community and support to foster their growth and development over time.

  1. Lead and nurture our tribe

As the leader of our tribe, it is our responsibility to lead and nurture our tribe. We need to set the tone for communication, behavior, and accountability. Encourage open and honest feedback, and provide constructive criticism when necessary. Celebrate wins and recognize the effort of each member. Nurture the relationships within the tribe, and ensure that everyone feels valued and supported.

Whether our tribe is a team to grow our business, a family to boost our hearts, or a mastermind group to develop ourselves, the questions and traits are the same. Surround ourselves with people who share our core values, care about our well-being, provide honest feedback, help when needed, show us opportunities, and alert us to risks.

Building the tribe we need is essential to personal and professional growth. It takes effort, commitment, and dedication to identify the type of tribe we need, seek out the right people, establish clear expectations, involve everyone in setting clear action plans, and lead and nurture our tribe. When we have the right tribe, it provides the support and encouragement we need to achieve our goals, live a fulfilling life, build a fantastic business, and achieve RADical success.
