Commit to Lifelong Growth

Many people, regardless of the profession, will say they are committed to growth.  They are growing their companies, sales, teams, family, and garden.    But the real secret to achieving RADical success is to commit to personal growth.  Just as in nature, we are either growing or dying.  There is no standing still.  That is true for businesses, people, and trees.

This week commit to a program of lifetime learning and then implement it.  Here are a few suggestions to get you started.

  • Read a book. Any skill, behavior, habit, or attitude you want to develop has likely had a book about it.
  • Attend a seminar or workshop – Many teachers are trying to improve the world by sharing their lessons.
  • Buy or download digital media and then watch, listen, and learn. Do not let it gather dust on the shelf or the downloads folder
  • Subscribe to a trade or business magazine, an industry newsletter, a parenting blog, or anything else related to your areas of growth development, and then read it when it comes.
  • Look up local classes in your area and sign up to learn something new.
  • Learn and emulate the habits of success. Almost any article you find on success mentions the same practices – exercise, reading, meditation, planning, and focus.

As a coach, it is essential for me always to be adding to my knowledge base.  I read every day, meditate regularly, attend classes that interest me, take workshops and seminars a couple of times a month and belong to mastermind groups that challenge and push me.  What level of commitment do you have to your growth and development?

RADical Success Idea of the Week

Commit to growth in some area of yourself and take action to develop that skill, behavior, knowledge or habit.
