Core Leadership Principles: 4 Skills to Develop Now

“Embracing these core principles sets good leaders apart from great ones.”

Welcome back, leaders! I’m Angie Dobransky with RAD Strategic Partners. Today, we dive deep into the bedrock of effective leadership. It’s not just about making decisions but about the core principles underpinning those decisions. Let’s explore how integrity, accountability, empathy, and resilience form the foundation of solid leadership.

Key Takeaways on Core Leadership Principles

  1. Integrity: Being consistent in your values and actions.
  2. Accountability: Owning your decisions and their impacts.
  3. Empathy: Understanding and genuinely caring about others’ perspectives and well-being.
  4. Resilience: Leading through challenges without losing sight of your goals.


Integrity involves doing the right thing, even when no one is watching. Abraham Lincoln exemplified integrity, maintaining his values despite significant challenges. As leaders, consistency in our values and actions builds trust and credibility.


Accountability is about looking within and owning our decisions and their outcomes. Teddy Roosevelt emphasized personal responsibility, famously saying, “If you could kick the person in the pants most responsible for your trouble, you wouldn’t sit for a month.” Accountability encourages continuous self-improvement and transparency.


Empathy requires us to understand others’ experiences and perspectives. Sanjay Nadella of Microsoft highlights the importance of empathy in fostering innovation and addressing the needs of employees and customers. Developing empathy helps us connect more deeply with our teams and stakeholders.


Resilience means bouncing back from setbacks and adapting to change. Nelson Mandela’s perseverance in ending apartheid in South Africa exemplifies resilience. Leaders who embody resilience inspire their teams to stay focused and motivated, even in difficult times.

Take Action for RADical Leadership

Reflect on these principles and how they can enhance your leadership style. Which principle do you value most and why? Share your thoughts in the comments and join the conversation.

Action Steps for Success
Reflect on Your Leadership Style: Identify which core principles you already embody and which ones need more focus.
Set Specific Goals: Choose one principle to work on this week and set specific actions to improve in that area.
Seek Feedback: Ask your team for feedback on how well you embody these principles and where you can improve.
Let’s embrace these core principles and elevate our leadership together!
