Making Connections Over the Holiday Season

Thanksgiving marks the traditional start of the Holiday Season in America and, this year, why not make it both festive and productive.  Most of the world celebrates some holiday to usher in that change between the coming darkness and the coming light.  With so many different celebrations going on there are endless ways to connect with people – both old friends and new acquaintances.  This year, use this time to build a network that can help you accomplish your goals for the coming year.

How to make the most of this season?  Follow a few simple tips.

  1. Accept all invitations – invited to an event or party where don’t know anyone?  What a great opportunity to meet new people.  Last year, we attended an Indian Food Cooking Contest on New Year’s Day and not only met some great people but were introduced to some of the best food we ate all year!
  2. Seek out events to attend – there are lots of parties, events and galas starting in early November.  Look for them.
  3. Have a goal for quality connections – how many good connections are you hoping to make at each event? Don’t just greet and move on, spend a few minutes talking with the people you want to know better.
  4. Have a system for follow up – you need to follow up with everyone you want to know better.  How do you plan to do this?
  5. Have a good time – fun is important, and it shows in your attitude.  Put a smile on your face and vow to enjoy yourself.  It goes a long way.
  6. Embrace abundance and serendipity – know that there is plenty of business for everyone and that your good deeds will come back to you in some way.
  7. Don’t eat or drink too much – but I am guessing you already knew that one!

Have a great Holiday Season.  Make some new connections and reignite some old relationships.
