To receive total value, we must fully participate. We can’t do our best when just phoning it in, and neither can our teams. To achieve RADical results, we must learn to participate fully and inspire others to do the same. We’ve all heard it before; you get back what you put in. For maximum results, choose to participate fully.
Here is the challenge. Are you doing everything possible to create your business or career success? How do you need to change to make that happen? What could you be doing that would take you and your business to new levels of success? Who is stopping you?

Full-on participation means:
- Doing the tasks, we need to reach our goals consistently, every day, week, and month.
- Reading books, listening to thought leaders, and watching videos to improve our knowledge and skills and discover hidden joys and talents.? Education is a lifelong pursuit.
- Following up on every prospect, lead, or opportunity and doing it on a timely basis. It can seem elementary, but most of us are letting opportunities slip through the cracks.
- Saying no to the things you cannot commit so you can give complete effort to the commitments you do make.
- Finally, it means taking full responsibility for our results and adjusting our efforts when plans go awry. It means never giving up in the pursuit of our dreams and goals.
We quickly achieve our grandest goals and loftiest visions when we consistently practice Full-On Participation. It’s time to stop holding ourselves back and jump into making our dreams come true with both feet.
RADical Idea of the Week
This week participate full-on, whatever that means for you. If networking or hybrid/virtual work is part of your plan, join us at one of our monthly virtual networking extravaganzas.