Prepare For Anything & Everything

Recent events have indeed shown us that anything can happen in the world around us.  I could have written that sentence any time in the past 20 years, and it would be correct!

We cannot control the outside world, but we have complete control over our inside worlds.  To maintain that control, we must prepare for the unexpected.

Ask yourself this question: Are you prepared for any situation in your business, career, and life?

Here are three areas to look at when preparing to weather any storm, even those you could not have foreseen:

  1. Communications – How will you communicate with people should an emergency arise?
  2. Physical space – What is your backup plan for ensuring operations can continue if there was a disaster?
  3. Systems – What happens when the power is out?  Or the internet is down?  Always have a backup strategy.

We can’t control the world around us, but we can control our response to it.  We need not be ships in the sea, tossed about every time there is a storm if we prepare to continue with our goals, lives, and businesses no matter what.

RADical Action of the Week

Spend 30 minutes this week evaluating your preparedness and take action to correct any areas that need improvement.
