“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.”  – Aesop

What do you do in your business or profession to not just keep customers and bosses happy in the moment, but also turn them into raving fans?  When you think back on companies you love doing business with, and rave about to others, is it a big thing they did or small, unexpected acts of kindness that made the difference?

What are the small, unexpected things you do to show your customers, prospects, bosses, employees and partners that they are important to you?  The key to a powerful act of kindness is nothow much time, money or effort you spent, but how you found a small way to reach out and let someone know they matter to you.

Some examples of Impactful Acts of Kindness are:

  • Birthday cards – Are you keeping track of important details about the people that matter to you?
  • Tickets to events – Do you know what people like and take the time to surprise them with an opportunity?
  • Gift Certificate for lunch at their favorite restaurant – Do you know what restaurant that is?
  • Unusual holiday recognition – have you gotten any April Fool’s Day cards?  Would you remember someone who sent you one?
  • Anniversary cards to celebrate the anniversary of doing business with you – I received a happy birthday card to my car recently from the dealership!
  • Actions work too – walk someone to their car holding an umbrella on a rainy day, host a small reception at your business just because, etc.

The list is endless.

To illustrate the power of small acts of comments I will share this story with you.  Every year on Valentine’s day, I get a card in the mail from an estate attorney I met years ago.  It is the only card I get in the mail that day and every year she reminds me that she loves her clients.  And, it makes me love her.

This week why don’t you challenge yourself to choose a couple of your best clients/coworkers/employees and do some small act of kindness for them?
