Showing 5 Result(s)

Build Success by Forming Proactive Habits

The philosophy, “You are what you repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit,” is central to achieving success. Habits, either stepping stones or stumbling blocks, play a crucial role in success. Evaluating and forming effective habits using four questions – what to do less, stop, more, and start – is advised. Replacing time-wasting with mindful activities, understanding the science of habit formation and committing to a 30-day challenge to embed a new habit are suggested. The conclusion emphasizes daily, wisely chosen habits as the architects of future success.

Conquer Your Inner Victim: Unleashing the Victor Within You for Success

While it’s tempting to adopt a victim mentality due to uncontrollable events and challenges, it’s a choice that often leaves us feeling powerless and unfulfilled. In contrast, being a victor makes us proactive, resilient, and ultimately more successful. Your daily choice between these two mindsets can be pivotal in your journey toward achieving your goals

Participate Full On: The Key to RADical Success

“You get back what you put in” is a phrase we often hear in business; let’s face it, it’s profoundly accurate. If you’re interested in achieving RADical results in your life and career, participating full-on is not an option; it’s a requirement.