Think Differently to Maximize Results

We’ve heard the adage, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.”  Have we stopped to consider the same is true of our thinking? Thinking the same way over and over will surely bring us the same results. We need to think differently if we want different results than what we have now.

When we challenge our old thoughts and beliefs and work to think differently, we unlock many benefits.

  • It helps to inspire us to think more innovatively. Once our perspectives shift and we can see the world as it is, we are inspired to create something greater than before.
  • It helps guard against groupthink and overconfidence. Confidence is an essential ingredient in success; too much of a good thing tends to be harmful.
  • It allows us to take risks, try new things and create change in the world. Records aren’t broken, barriers busted, or inventions created by people who always continue to think the same way.
  • Greatness and great success require different thinking. It is those who think outside the box who create opportunities.

How do we start to challenge how we think and open ourselves to different ways of seeing the world and finding opportunities? We can begin by regularly asking ourselves a series of questions.

Here are five great questions to get us started:

  1. Are my skills as sharp as they could be? Taking a refresher in something we do regularly or a class on new skills can significantly change our thinking. 
  2. Do I have a positive attitude? Take our Winning Attitude Quiz here to rate yours:
  3. Why am I in the business or profession I have chosen? Was it by accident or by choice? Does it serve the purpose I need in my life at this point? What is that purpose?
  4. What thoughts am I holding onto from the past that will not serve my future? The ways we choose to see ourselves and the world influence our results. We must release ideas from the past that inhibit our future.
  5. Is everything I know still true today? Many things we learned long ago have proved false as new evidence and discoveries appeared. 

As we grow our ability to think differently, we increase our results. When we make it a practice, we realize our dreams.
